チャリティー用ストック写真展 「明けない夜はない」

 今回の震災による津波は、地域の人たちのすべてを押し流してしまいました。最近テレビで流される安否確認のビデオには「命を落とした人に比べれば自分はいいほうです。私たちは大丈夫です。がんばります。などと話す人が多いように思われます、確かにその通りかもしれませんが、この写真を写した自分が思うことは 大丈夫なことなどひとつもありません。

撮影機材 Canon 1Ds III 2200万画素RAW最高画質にて撮影されています。


If it "compares it with the person who lost its life, oneself says to a video of safety confirmation drained on TV recently that the tsunami by this earthquake disaster has washed all of local people away, and it is".
We are all right. I do my best. What it may be the street, but oneself who copied this photograph thinks in the absoluteness that there seem to be much "and talking people.
 There is good things nothing.
 There may be the degree by a person,; but as for the house and the car as for the thing of the memory
All, it was washed all away the all.
When "is cheerful, and land and a debt, the one where suffered from try it hard with a smile", what stay in the house says,; but of the person the town is destroyed so as not to be able to live unless help it.
 Children understanding former things nothing at the refuge.
I heal a heart of the people whom I spread a smile, and it is suffered from, and was hurt.
As the smile of these boys, the smile of people suffered from are not lost, I think that it is important that we who live without inconvenience help it because it is possible for oneself and can support it.

It is photographed at 22,000,000 pixels of photography machine parts Canon 1Ds III RAW best picture.

Please refer for the necessary photograph by an email by charity.
When a purpose is charity, I lend it free.

It is necessary to have you inform it of an amount of money that gathered by charity

The overseas one is Japanese, and please refer.
The person who does not understand it please use the translation sites.

陸前高田市 陸前高田市 釜石市
明けない夜はない 陸前高田市 釜石市
大船渡市 大槌町 旧三陸町
大船渡市 大槌町 旧三陸町
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